Ionic splash screen and icon - No platform detected

Let me first say. Each time i run

ionic cordova build android --dev

It first run this command

cordova platform add android

At the start of the project I already added the android platform successfully. So I dont know why on every build it has to add android platform again. But each build works perfectly well on my phone. Then yesterday when I tried to run

ionic cordova resources 

and it says

no platform detected. Please run ionic cordova platfrom add

Please help

Practically your answer is stated for you "no platform detected. Please run ionic cordova platfrom add

Run be below code for the platform you wanna build

ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova platform add ios

After that, you could run

ionic cordova resources 

Hope this helps

I ran

ionic cordova platform add android

Then it says running command - done!
Then immediately it ran

ionic cordova resources android --force

Then it says collecting resources configuration and source images - done!


?Platform android not detected. Would you like to install it

I typed yes. and it still says

No platform detected

Check your project folder on the platforms directory to see if the Android platform was successfully added to your project.

Yes Its there. And it works on my android phone

What is your ionic info?

ionic info

Your installation is corrupt. See how no platforms show up? Your Node is old. Iā€™d suggest you put node_modules in the recycle bin, install the current Node LTS, and reinstall ionic and cordova.

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OK Thanks for your help.