I used a 2208x2208 PNG original image and put it under resources/splash.png like ionic resources
command suggested, then I ran the command, it generated 4 images, http://screencast.com/t/B1rlDul9G the others are not regenerated. What could be the cause?
did you add all platforms “ios” and “android”
Yes, I did add both, android and ios.
I am also suffering from the same thing…
As followed the instructions from blog written on ionic website…
But after adding both platform and performing ionic resources
command some of the splahscreen
images not generated…
I’m using iPad for testing and after trying above command it’s showing ‘cordova phonegap’ image…
@vaibhav_bista did you manage to find something? I was on MacOSX,Ionic CLI is latest beta.32. Original image is less than 2MB.
Hmm, I just tried it and it generated all icons/splash images for both android and ios. Not sure what the difference is, also using latest beta
@itlr and @beck24 I’m using latest ionic CLI beta.32 and having images size 20KB. But still facing same issue…
pop this thread a little bit, in case some one has a solution.
@itlr still are you facing the same issue??
in my case still there is no success…
@vaibhav_bista no dice