I found reference to using <div ng-bind-html="variable.html"></div>
where variable.html is escaped html from a json payload. I can render the html using {{variable.html}} but this is not what I want. Using ng-bind-html doesn’t work, it’s just a blank/empty div.
Any help is appreciated
<div [innerHTML]="theHtmlString">
This way will render only simple html tags (Components tags will not render)
Which is for a reason (check angular docs on innerhtml)
There is abundance of talk about dynamic rendering in angular in this forum
And the summary is (without personal preferences)
- use structural directives like ngif and ngswitch
- use innerhtml
- template binding and dynamic css
- proprietary libraries that generate markup on top of angular
- use internal classes and methods of angular to manipulate the dom (eg dynamiccomponent loader)
- leave angular and go for direct dom writes using jquery, js or somethibg else, risking dom conflicts with angular
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js code
variable = {"html": "<p>This is a paragraph</p>"};
html code
<div [innerHTML]=variable.html>