Ionic/React compatibility problem on Android 7.0


I´m new on mobile development, I made a simple application with Ionic 5/React, but one of the requisites for this applications is work on Android 7.0, but I wonder if it is possible, if an Ionic App with react works in this Android Version.

When I generate the .apk (even the most simple ionic start application) on 7.0, it installs, but when running the app an empty window appears (like a white page with no error message) and nothing else happens.
I tried to solve this in so many ways, unfortunatelly now I´ve no idea of what to do.

  • Does Ionic/react works on Android 7.0 ?
  • Can this compatibility problem be solved? And how?

The steps I made:

  1. ionic start myApp blank
  2. ionic build
  3. ionic cap add android
  4. ionic cap open android
  5. emulate on Android Studio ( Android 7.0 white page problem ) and works well on (7.1 / 8.0 / 9.0 / 10)
    Log Running Archive: run_log
    And Log: log

Does anybody could help?

Android 7.0 Nougat

Google no longer supports Android 7.0 Nougat.

Final version : 7.1.2; released on April 4, 2017.

Initial version : Released on August 22, 2016.

The app works on 7.1, but using Android 7.0 is a pre-requisite to this demand, so there is no possibility to upgrade the equipments (licenses etc) to 7.1. So, I´m still facing this compatibily problem.

Hard to say, but are you able to connect to it using the Chrome inspector? chrome://inspect and then refresh and try to see if it shows an exception