I guess it’s because it’s not supported by the browser (like almost all of other plugins) but I want to be sure, specially because I don’t like seeing that every time my app restarts.
Then this is an ignorable error - native plugins are never available in ionic serve.
For web support of monitoring I can’t say anything, you have to talk to the Ionic team about that.
Take it easy guys. It’s just a Cordova plugin error in dev mode, running the local server. It works as expected in prod, Ie. when Cordova is available and it’s running in emulator/device. I think this should be more a warning than an error, just like other plugins do.
@Sujan12 This quote is absolutely right though. It is confusing to see a ‘red’ error while debugging with ionic serve, because red is supposed to mean something needs to be fixed.
It would make more sense to show a warning instead of an error. Perhaps similar to the following example warnings that can appear during ionic serve:
Native: tried calling StatusBar.styleLightContent, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
Native: tried calling Splashscreen.hide, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator