Ionic Pro, Monitoring: Error: The cordova-plugin-ionic plugin is not installed

Hi. I’m getting this error in console by running ionic serve -scb

the cordova-plugin-ionic plugin is not installed. Install it for better device information for runtime errors.

Screenshot here:

I guess it’s because it’s not supported by the browser (like almost all of other plugins) but I want to be sure, specially because I don’t like seeing that every time my app restarts.


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I’m also getting the same error when running in Chrome. Is this more a warning or actually a problem?

How are you running the project?

$ ionic serve -scb

Then this is an ignorable error - native plugins are never available in ionic serve.
For web support of monitoring I can’t say anything, you have to talk to the Ionic team about that.

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I have the same issue and i have run it by typing command

ionic cordova run android

after the app run mobile successfully, the inspect element of google chrome give me this error

the cordova-plugin-ionic plugin is not installed. Install it for better device information for runtime errors.

can anyone help me?


Do you have the plugin installed? If so, which command did you execute?

@Sujan12 thanks for replying,
but which plugin you say?
the plugin that is shown in error?

Yes, of course. We should know if you actually have the plugin installed and the error message is wrong or not and the error message is correct.

I have not run any command for installing the plugin,
and even i don’t understand what plugin this error wants to install

It says so right in the error message: cordova-plugin-ionic
Did you add any Ionic Pro functionality? Error monitoring for example?

yes, of course
i have done it in my app

Then you also installed that plugin. Or didn’t you follow the instructions?

I have followed all instructions. that are written in the docs.
but i haven’t install plugin yet

Take it easy guys. It’s just a Cordova plugin error in dev mode, running the local server. It works as expected in prod, Ie. when Cordova is available and it’s running in emulator/device. I think this should be more a warning than an error, just like other plugins do.


If you followed all instructions, you also installed the plugin: Capacitor SDK Setup - Appflow

As @imaatLuciano wrote, in ionic serve this output is expected.

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Thank you a lot for the precious answer

@Sujan12 This quote is absolutely right though. It is confusing to see a ‘red’ error while debugging with ionic serve, because red is supposed to mean something needs to be fixed.

It would make more sense to show a warning instead of an error. Perhaps similar to the following example warnings that can appear during ionic serve:

Native: tried calling StatusBar.styleLightContent, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator
Native: tried calling Splashscreen.hide, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator

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Maybe already be taken care of:
If not, open a new issue on that repo or even a Pull Request that changes this behaviour.

Thanks for the pointer! I have commented over there, we’ll see where it goes.