[20:22:16] console.warn: Native: tried calling HTTP.get, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js
or run in a device/simulator
[20:22:16] console.error: erreur : cordova_not_available
[20:22:18] console.error: Error loading deploy information. No Plugin Available
I am getting this error when I run
ionic cordova run android -c -l
It happens only with the -l or -c options.
Here is the list of cordova plugins in package.json:
@kamal95, if that error is the only information you have, my sugestion is you talk to support of your Pro account about this error. I say this because the error dont tell us anything.
Still @kamal95 is right, we can’t seem to use cordova with the live reload flag. And tracking errors or live view are not the same thing. Or did I misunderstand something?
I am seeing the same issue. I am using ionic native storage and I deploy to my android device via ionic cordova run android -l and get the cordova_not_available error.
Not sure how to debug on my android device without the livereload support.