Ionic popover is not appearing

I am using this code for ionic popover :
page is becoming blur when I fire But popover menu is not appearing. I guess there is some CSS issue.
I included ionic /scss/ionic.scss file in my scss file which then convert scss to 1 css file, I included that css file in html page.
ionic version : driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-beta.13
Any help for this?

Any solution for this issue?

Hey! Have anyone find any problem in my way of including ionic popover?

I have the same issue with beta 13, so i wrote css code to get the design i want with popover and all is good !

Hey @ami, wasn’t seeing an issue with the popover in beta 13 or the nightly builds.

Hey Sorry, I returned comment by mistake.
In my case, I set platform CSS also to div. But hen I click on a button and popover should open. Instead of that I am having blur screen with no menu.