Ionic picker to return time length instead of date

Hey everyone,

I’m currently attempting to use Ionic 4 to create an agenda-type application for iOS, but I’m having difficulty using the ion-datetime component in my project. I need the picker to return a time length value rather than a date.

At this point in time, this is my code:

  <ion-label position="floating">Task Length (hr:min)</ion-label>
  <ion-datetime displayFormat="hh:mm" min="00:05" done-text="Set" [(ngModel)]="taskLengthTime"></ion-datetime>

When I input 1:00 for example, taskLengthTime returns as: "2019-12-15T07:25:58.816-05:00" but I need this value to be: 1:00

Does anyone know how to do this?
