Ionic Native In App Browser White Screen on Certain Android Devices


This is related to

I am working to incorporate a custom OAuth2 flow using the In App Browser plugin. The IAB works great on iPhone, and a Samsung Galaxy J3, however, on a Google Pixel I just get a blank white screen with no page loaded.

Ionic Info:

li packages: (/Users/UserName/.nvm/versions/node/v6.11.1/lib/node_modules)

    @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.1
    ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.19.1

global packages:

    cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0 
    Gulp CLI              : CLI version 3.9.1 Local version 3.9.1

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.5
    Cordova Platforms  : android 6.3.0 browser 5.0.3 ios 4.5.4
    Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.7.1


    Android SDK Tools : 25.2.5
    ios-deploy        : 1.9.2 
    ios-sim           : 6.1.2 
    Node              : v6.11.1
    npm               : 3.10.10 
    OS                : macOS Sierra
    Xcode             : Xcode 9.2 Build version 9C40b 

Environment Variables:

    ANDROID_HOME : /Users/UserName/Library/Android/sdk


    backend : legacy

OAuth Login Code:

login(): Observable<any> {
      const authPrvInstance = this;
      const redirectRel = 'oauth_return';
      let authUrl = pingData.request_uri + "as/authorization.oauth2";
      authUrl += "?client_id=" + pingData.client_id;
      authUrl += "&redirect_uri=" + pingData.redirect_uri;
      authUrl += '&scope=email+openid+profile&response_type=code';

      const pingBrowser = authPrvInstance.inAppBrowser.create(authUrl, "_blank", {
        location: 'no',
        hidden: 'no',
        clearcache: 'yes',
        clearsessioncache: 'yes'

      const loggingInLoader = authPrvInstance.loadingCtrl.create({
        spinner: 'dots',
        content: 'Logging in...',
        dismissOnPageChange: true

      return pingBrowser.on('loadstart').mergeMap((loadEvent: any) => {
        let loadEventResult: Observable<any> = Observable.of({});
        if (loadEvent.url && !(loadEvent.url.indexOf("/" + redirectRel + "?code") === -1)) {
          loadEventResult = Observable.of(loadEvent.url.split('code=')[1]);
        return loadEventResult;
      }).skipWhile((code: any) => typeof code !== 'string')
      .mergeMap((authorizationCode: string) => {
        return + 'login', {}, { headers: new HttpHeaders().set('authorization', authorizationCode) });
      }).mergeMap((tokenObject: any) => {
        const firebaseLoginPromise = authPrvInstance.firebaseAuth.auth.signInWithCustomToken(tokenObject.token);
        return Observable.fromPromise(firebaseLoginPromise);
      }).finally(() => {


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Nevermind! I fixed the issue by updating the Google Pixel device’s Android version from 6.x to 8.