Ionic Menu does not show


I try to implements a Menu as this tutorial shows:

But there the menu has an IonContent and there must be just one IionContent

const Registro: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <IonContent fullscreen>

And this is the menu element:

class MenuPrincipal extends Component{
    return (
<IonMenu side="end" type="push">

    <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
    <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
    <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
    <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
    <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>


But the menu icon does not show. Why that?

    <IonMenu side="start" menuId="first">
        <IonToolbar color="primary">
          <IonTitle>Start Menu</IonTitle>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
          <IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>

That’s the menu example and there is IonContent but with that it does not show the menu icon neither.

Menu does not work nested. It needs to be higher up in the component hierarchy.

See the official sidemenu starter for an example of this: