I try to implements a Menu as this tutorial shows:
But there the menu has an IonContent and there must be just one IionContent
const Registro: React.FC = () => {
return (
<IonContent fullscreen>
And this is the menu element:
class MenuPrincipal extends Component{
return (
<IonMenu side="end" type="push">
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
But the menu icon does not show. Why that?
<IonMenu side="start" menuId="first">
<IonToolbar color="primary">
<IonTitle>Start Menu</IonTitle>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
<IonItem>Menu Item</IonItem>
That’s the menu example and there is IonContent but with that it does not show the menu icon neither.