I have been trying to keep up with the nightly builds of Ionic because of some ongoing, unresolved issues with Android Ionic + 4.4.4 (tap-hold not working).
Unfortunately, the deep, structural changes that have happened recently in the nightlies have sent my project completely off the rails. I’m not a pro developer, I just started learning web dev about a year ago. I was getting comfortable in Angular and Ionic, and had my app running great on Ionic Beta13 on Android 4.4.2. Then the dreaded 4.4.4 update, wherein I discovered that a large number of my users had a completely unacceptable UX. I jumped on the nightlies train and logged my major issues, made codepens, etc. Living on the bleeding edge, hoping that some slide-box update will fix the problem…
Unfortunately, it has been a really bumpy ride. I’ve been beaten down by recent updates. My app, which used to be 95% there, is repeatedly breaking. My entire interface disappeared yesterday – it appears in the DOM but not on my device – haven’t resuscitated it yet and don’t see anyone else with this specific issue. The new caching scheme broke all of my navigation and the way controllers update my data. Back button breakages, style breakages, they just keep coming. I’ve been patching holes in the wall but I feel like the river is about to burst through. Every time I fix a problem, a new one pops up.
The Test Angular 1.3 topic has over 300 posts now, with just random topics all mashed together. Once in a while I see something incredibly important on there and then have no way to reference it later, I have to go digging through that monster post again, dealing with infinite scroll loading of the comments.
I realize that some of this is the nature of the beast. I nod my hat to software engineers who deal with this day in and day out. But I wanted to speak up as an intermediate user just trying to make an app that works. One of the things that attracted me to Ionic was the ease of use, the great documentation, the furious development. Ionic is built around the idea of making the dev process fluid, easy, and powerful, right? It’s not feeling like it at the moment. I’ve been so close that I could taste it. But right when I thought it was in my grasp, it was smashed to bits.
I have the utmost respect for the team… the product is amazing and groundbreaking in so many ways. But I’m just feeling down in the dumps, worn out. Maybe I need a real software engineer to lead my project. I guess maybe I just need a pep talk. How is everyone else feeling?
no disrespect,