Ionic ion-searchbar not working

Hi, i have other searchbars in my project but just one is not working, here is my code (whose is similar to other searchbars):

<ion-content padding class="page-medico-formulario"> <ion-searchbar (ionInput)="getItems($event)" placeholder="Buscar..."></ion-searchbar> <ion-list *ngIf="estadoTrue"> <ion-item *ngFor="let e of estadosFiltro" id="{{}}" (click)="setarEstado($event,"> {{ e.nome }} </ion-item> </ion-list> <ion-content>

estados: any[];
estadosFiltro: any[] = [];
estadoTrue: boolean
initializeItems() { this.estadosFiltro = this.estados; }

 constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public loadCtrl: LoadingController, public formb: FormBuilder, af: AngularFire, public storage: Storage, public alerts: AlertController, public cid: CidadesProvider) {
    this.estados = cid.getCidades();
    this.estadoTrue = false;
    this.estadoTrue = true;
    // Reset items back to all of the items

    // set val to the value of the searchbar
    let val =;

    // if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
    if (val && val.trim() != '') {
        this.estadosFiltro = this.estadosFiltro.filter((item) => {
            return (item.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);

setarEstado($event, id) {

This is basically my page (i’ve taken off code that doesn’t matter for the problem and that is working fine).

I’ve tryed the following:

  • Using (keyup) instead of (ionInput).
  • Taking it off the form it was placed (it was on a formGroup).
  • Removing the *ngIf.
  • Using a ngModel to pass the parameter of the typed word/letters.
  • Creating a method in my provider that pass me the data that is filling my list.

Does someone know what i’m doing wrong?

Here is the data model of the JSON i’m working with, don’t know if i cam be a problem:

    "id": 0,
    "sigla": "AC",
    "nome": "Acre",
    "cidades": [
         "Assis Brasil",
  }, ...

Jesus Christ, Jackie Boy.
i forgot what i want to search in my JSON, just edited the following:

 this.estadosFiltro = this.estadosFiltro.filter((item) => {
     return (item.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);


this.estadosFiltro = this.estadosFiltro.filter((item) => {
    return (item.nome.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);

I have the similar problem.
I charge my data from a provider page, but when it is called from a new ts page, the following error is shown

my code:

service page:

import { Injectable } from ‘@angular/core’;

export class ServicioProvider {
productos: any;

constructor() {
console.log(‘Hello ServicioProvider Provider’);

  this.productos = [

  {referencia: 'T34', producto: 'URBANFUN', precio: 34.65 , imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/URBANFUN.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'T56', producto: 'INSOMNIA-CRANEAL', precio: 129.35 , imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/insomnia-relief-Craneal.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'V09', producto: 'TOILETRY-BAG-ORGANIZER', precio: 15.25 , imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/Toiletry-Bag-Organizer.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'V78', producto: 'SUITCASE-ELASTIC-LUGGAGE', precio: 20.00 , imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/Suitcase-Elastic-Luggage.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'O88', producto: 'ORIGIANL-HK-WATCH', precio: 125.00, imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/Origianl-HK-Watch.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'O90', producto: 'CASUAL-BOOTS', precio: 62.55, imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/Casual-Boots.jpg'},
  {referencia: 'T90', producto: 'EXTERNAL-BATTERY-CHARGER', precio:25.45 , imagen: '../../assets/productos/tecnologia/External-Battery-Charger.jpg'}


return Promise.resolve(this.productos);
for(var i=0; i< (this.productos).length; i++)
if(this.productos[i].referencia == id)
return Promise.resolve(this.productos[i]);



ts. document

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { NavController, NavParams } from ‘ionic-angular’;
import { ServicioProvider } from ‘…/…/providers/servicio/servicio’;
import { DetallePage } from ‘…/…/pages/detalle/detalle’;

selector: ‘page-busqueda’,
templateUrl: ‘busqueda.html’,
export class BusquedaPage {

fecha = new Date();
items: any;
productos: any;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
public navParams: NavParams,
public serProvider: ServicioProvider) {


  this.serProvider.descargarTodo().then(result => {
  this.items = result;


this.navCtrl.push(DetallePage, {referencia: id});

initializeItems() {
this.items = this.productos;


getItems(ev: any) {
// Reset items back to all of the items

// captura los datos en la variable
// set val to the value of the searchbar
let val =;

// if the value is an empty string don't filter the items
if (val && val.trim() != '') {
  this.items = this.items.filter((item) => {
    return (item.producto.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1);
this.serProvider.descargarTodo().then(result => {
  this.items = result;


ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log(‘ionViewDidLoad BusquedaPage’);



<ion-navbar color="primary">
     <button ion-button menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
    <ion-title>Busqueda Productos {{fecha | date: 'shortTime'}}</ion-title>

<ion-searchbar (ionInput)=“getItems($event)” placeholder=“Buscar…”>


{{item.precio | number:'1.2-2' | currency:'EUR':true}} €