Ionic emulate works on Android but not iOS


I am learning Ionic 2 and develop a simple testing app which fetch information from a remote API, and then display as a list in my app.

I developed the code and test ok with my browser, so I try to emulate mobile device and then come into a problem:

  1. The app runs properly on emulated Android device
  2. However, for iOS, the app is not working. Most of the time it only display a blank page instead of the information fetched from the remote API

I saw from this forum that others had successfully developed some apps using Ionic 2, and so I am looking for some hints and advice on how should I troubleshoot this problem.

Many thanks in advance

I haven’t tested in ios, but most will recommend that you use crosswalk to try eliminate compatibility issues, search the ionic 2 branch in github for issues related to this, maybe you find answers there.