Ionic Elastichat - Chat Demo w/ Auto Resizing Textarea

@digitalxp Not completely sure what your question still is. But if you are referring to calling the polling your backend every 5 seconds could for instance be done by calling your suntion with $interval(fn, delay); where fn is the function you want to call and delay is the amount of time you want between the function calls in ms (so 5000 for you 5 seconds).

Something like that?

			$scope.messages = data;
			$scope.doneLoading = true;
			$timeout(function(){viewScroll.scrollBottom()}, 0);
		.error(function(){alert("Errore di comunicazione!")});), 5000)

I donā€™t have the time to test this right now for you @digitalxp but you should be able to tell if itā€™s working pretty easily if you have everything up and running. At a glance itā€™s seems fine. Although I would put the most of it in a service and simply call that in the $intervalal. Furthermore Iā€™m not sure what a $timeout with zero delay does but if it works for you this isnā€™t an issue.

Ok, this work for me:

$interval(function() {
            $scope.messages = data;
            console.log("aggiorno chat");
        .error(function(){alert("Errore di comunicazione!")})}, 

My only problem is that when Iā€™m on textinput to write a message, when the interval load, I cant write again (I have to put the cursor again to the input).
I think the problem is viewScroll.scrollBottom(), but without that the new message loaded dont appear (I have to scroll bottom manually!).

If you want you could see a demo to username and password: demo

Yes. See this issue for fix

thank you very much i solve it with your suggetstion!

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Here is the app I developed that is using a ā€œspecial elastichatā€ :~)



I shared it in the [What are you building with Ionic? We want to know!]
(What are you building with Ionic? We want to know! ) thread.

Please check it out if you have time, thanks!


I want to share a few improvements I made to elastichat that made it into my own app. I felt it is important to keep your footer buttons down at the bottom when the textarea grows. All you need is some CSS to accomplish this.


/* add this to keep your footer buttons down 
at the bottom as the textarea resizes */
.footer-btn-wrap {
  position: relative; 
  height: 100%; 
  width: 50px; 
  top: 7px;

.footer-btn {
  position: absolute !important; 
  bottom: 0;


<div class="footer-btn-wrap">
  <button class="button button-icon icon ion-android-send footer-btn" 
    ng-disabled="!input.message || input.message === ''">

The result -


There is another improvement I have made that scrolls you to the bottom after the keyboard is shown on a device (just like iMessage). Just do this in your keyboardShowHandler within the controller -

function keyboardShowHandler(e) {
  keyboardHeight = e.keyboardHeight;

  $timeout(function() {
    viewScroll.scrollBottom(true, true); // read below on this
  }, 0);

I am using a forked version of Ionic beta 14 that has a modified scrollBottom and scrollTop function because I donā€™t want to call ionic.DomUtil.blurAll(); in certain situations. I am not aware of the implications of this so I didnā€™t want to change the original behavior of these functions so I added an additional parameter to the function. My fix is similar to what someone suggested in the Github issue that @claw opened.

  self.scrollTop = function(shouldAnimate, noBlur) {
    if (!noBlur) {
    self.resize().then(function() {
      scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0, !!shouldAnimate);

  self.scrollBottom = function(shouldAnimate, noBlur) {
    if (!noBlur) {
    self.resize().then(function() {
      var max = scrollView.getScrollMax();
      scrollView.scrollTo(max.left,, !!shouldAnimate);

Does not anyone has problem with $ionicView.leave ? It will only work when coming from a certain state/view. If Iā€™m coming from somewhere else it will not trigger. for example I go there this way:

$state.go('app.chats.conversation', {conversation: conversation_id});

It wonā€™t trigger when coming back or changing any screen in fact. I need to press reload. :confused:

@Ross Iā€™m a bit confused with the revisions and improvments. Have you got a sample with the final version of the resizing textarea? I have a comment box that is waiting for its! :smile:

@robypez The codepen in the opening post is the latest revision. Take a look at this post to accommodate the iOS keyboard.

It will be of interest to know that patching angular-elastic is not necessary. It has been emitting a resize event from its own code for some time already:

The custom taResize is not needed if you listen to elastic:resize.


Very nice job, but i have a problem when i test the code with ionic view. Sorry for my english, i am french. I implement this in a ionic blank app to test it on ionic view, it works, but there are 2 problems in the view.

  • First the textarea limit is 20 characters per line when i enter text.
  • Secondly, the text area shift up very high when i enter text and the keyboard is shown. And we can see the messages under the text area.
    ( Please, look on the picture joined )
    I donā€™t understand whyā€¦
    The test is done with ionic view app on iphone 6 plus.
    All is ok on google chrome view.
    Any idea to help me please?


@novarea, @Ross explains how to fix all of that here (the same link from 2 posts above you) I followed all of his tips there EXCEPT is didnā€™t do the alteration to the angular-elastic directive but rather did as @zarko suggested and just listened for elastic:resize.

After doing that it worked for me (had the same problem as you before). It looks great for me now, but I have a 5S.

@Ross Thanks a lot for sharing this!

I suck hard at UI, andi I just finished setting up firebase for real time chat and was dreading figuring out how to make a UI that looked good. Then I found this!

Thank you very much. Iā€™ll try thisā€¦
But mā€™y weak level for english is a problem and i donā€™t understand exactly where modify or add the code in my scriptā€¦
Does anyone can put for me the right code in good place in jsā€¦
Sorry for my request, but iā€™m really desappointed.

Thanks, i succeed in hiding scrolling area, but why the textarea slide so high and doesnā€™t stick the keyboard?

did you set cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true) on entering the controller and
cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(false) on exiting the controller?

I donā€™t know where exactly :pensive: :disappointed:

$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
  window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', keyboardShowHandler);
  window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardHideHandler);
       //plus anything else you need to do 
$scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function() {
  window.removeEventListener('native.keyboardshow', keyboardShowHandler);
  window.removeEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardHideHandler);
      //anything else you may need to do

@Ross, quick question. I loaded up the codepen using ionic start myapp, added iOS platform, and ran it on my ios device (iphone 4). Everything is compiling and running, but getting a blank screen on the iPhone. It works fine on browser though (ionic serve). Any thoughts?

Regardless, fantastic work and thank you for contributing.