scrollBottom loses the keyboard / input selected

I had the same issue also, it is because ionic.DomUtil.blurAll() is called in the scrollBottom function. You can modify the function like so -

self.scrollTop = function(shouldAnimate, noBlur) {
    if (!noBlur) {
    self.resize().then(function() {
      scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0, !!shouldAnimate);

  self.scrollBottom = function(shouldAnimate, noBlur) {
    if (!noBlur) {
    self.resize().then(function() {
      var max = scrollView.getScrollMax();
      scrollView.scrollTo(max.left,, !!shouldAnimate);

Call it like this now to avoid the blur from being called -

viewScroll.scrollBottom(true, true); // read below on this

See this and [this] ( for more info.

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