Ionic Deploy: Disabled! Deploy plugin is not installed or has not loaded. Have you run `ionic plugin add ionic-plugin-deploy` yet?

Hi guys, I’m trying to get Ionic deploy working and I’ve followed the setup instructions here:

I have an app_id and I believe I’ve successfully installed all the plugins, plus I’ve included etc

However, when I run ionic serve, I get the messages "Ionic Deploy: Disabled! Deploy plugin is not installed or has not loaded. Have you run ionic plugin add ionic-plugin-deploy yet?

When I run that command it tells me that I already have ionic plugin installed for android and ios.

Does deploy only work when run in the context of run android (or ios) and not ionic serve? When I deploy the app (which previously worked without the deploy code in the tutorial) it crashes after a few seconds.

I’ve been searching for solutions to this and found pages like this:

but it’s not clear whether they’re deprecated or not. At least, I haven’t been able to find a solution that has solved this issue and allowed me to get a “hello world” of deploy working.

Thanks for your help!

I discovered the problem:

  • It appears that deploy does not do anything in web mode (ionic serve). That makes sense I guess since deploy is really intended for apps on the phone

  • When I did the deploy I did not specific the “production” channel. When I did that, the app saw that there was a new bundle and successfully downloaded it.