Ionic + Crosswalk and GPU blacklist

Hello Ionic Users,
I have problem to get canvas working on the newest version of crosswalk.
My app was fine when I used ionic CLI v.1.3.3 to add crosswalk, but after recent update to v.1.3.20 and updating crosswalk version my canvas works very slow and laggy. It rendes with about 2-5 FPS and when the animation is stopped it still continue to render frames for few second after that. I have checked my canvas animation, but console.time() shows that each frame is generated in 8-20ms so it should work with about 60 FPS as it used to work. It is probably something with my testing device (Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0) or crosswalk itself and as far as I can guess thats related with GPU Blacklist used by crosswalk.

I have found following FAQ tutorial on official Crosswalk website:

Problem is that I have no idea how to add --ignore-gpu-blacklist to crosswalk version installed with Ionic CLI. Adding ‘xwalk-command-line’ to /assets did not helped. I will be very glad for any help and suggestions. Thanks

In config.xml
<preference name="xwalkCommandLine" value="--ignore-gpu-blacklist"/>