Ionic can't make https request calls

Is it possible to allow requests to servers hosted using self signed certificates?
As far I understood, the problem is the WebView.
Using Java code, I can trust my certificate, but access https inside the WebView I can’t.

I created an Ionic App that requests to an https server. (it doesn’t work).
And I created an Android Java App that requests the same server. (it works).

The Ionic app code: ionic app
The Java app code: java app

I created a very simple page in an Apache2 server on using SSL (self signed certificate) and CORS enabled.

I created the certificate using:
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./server.key -out ./server.crt -addext "subjectAltName = IP.1:"

In the Ionic app I called:

      next: (response) => { console.log(response); },
      error: (error) => { console.error(error); },
      complete: () => console.log('completed!!!!')

I copied the server.crt to res/raw/server.crt in both apps.
I created the file xml/network_security_config.xml
I trusted the certificate, I allowed clear text traffic to in both apps.

Using my Java Android app (on a physical device) the request call works fine.

Using ionic serve in another computer with another IP (, my app works.

Using my Ionic app on an Android physical device I get this error:

If I open a browser using my Android cellphone, I can navigate to

On BridgeWebViewClient I overrided onReceivedSslError and printed a message to inspect if an ssl error is caught, and yes, I get an ssl error.

The Android WebView doesn’t allow navigating to sites using self signed certificates.

I’ve created a plugin that ignores SSL errors and allows the WebView to navigate, but the code used can cause rejections in Play Store and the App Store, so it’s intended for development only.