Ionic build ios plugin errors (exit code 65)

can you try this

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Yup, this was a permissions issue - $sudo ionic build ios - worked for me.
Thanks for the help guys.

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I got same error when try to emulate ios,

$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios  -> i got error

2014-11-14 14:52:48.002 ios-sim[8769:142383] stderrPath: /Library/WebServer/Documents/angular/ionic/myApp/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log
2014-11-14 14:52:48.002 ios-sim[8769:142383] stdoutPath: /Library/WebServer/Documents/angular/ionic/myApp/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log
Usage of ‘–family’ is deprecated in 3.x. Use --devicetypeid instead.
Usage of ‘–retina’ is deprecated in 3.x. Use --devicetypeid instead.

I got the same build error, this worked for me:

ionic platform remove ios
ionic platform add ios

worked for me too, thx.

my problem doesn’t happen when i run ionic emulate ios it happens when i run ionic run ios. this is after uninstalling cordova and ionic then reinstalling. removing/adding plugins. then running ionic build. suggestions?

edit: after reading other posts, i tried creating a new project to see if i get this error. unlike my real project which fails on ‘ionic run ios’ but runs fine when running ‘ios emulate ios’, this new project now requires me to run sudo and it fails on emulate.

You saved me, thanks!

I am not sure what was the actual problem, I tried to remove iOS platform and then re added it to make it work.

I tried everything above but it just didn’t seem to work. My permissions must have been way off. This ended up working for me:

sudo npm update -g cordova
sudo npm update -g ionic
rm -rf plugins/
rm -rf platforms/
ionic platform add ios
ionic run ios

Letting cordova remake the folders must have done it.


Thanks this worked for me as well!

Adding CordovaLib to “Target Dependencies” worked for me. Although, I can’t figure out that how it got removed.

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Generally, by logging things and looking at output package we’ve found that plugin installation is not always reliable. In some cases a couple of plugins might fail to install properly (and thus we see “not defined” messages in our logs). Usually removing and (re)adding the failing plugin has fixed this issue. Presumably this is why removing and (re)adding platforms often helps. Another thing to try is cleaning the project before doing a build - both iOS and Android have a cleanup script available in either ./platforms/ios/cordova/clean and ./platforms/android/cordova/clean respectively which can help sometimes when run between builds.


I spent a good 3hrs google searching for a solutions, and this worked. Lesson learn: When all else fails remove the plugins and platforms!

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Thank you so much, you saved my day! :clap:

Works great for me!!!

The solution for me was that I didn’t have a provisioning profile that worked. I had to reset all the provisioning profiles, and make a new wildcard one. com.*. I deleted them all and redownloaded all provisioning profiles, and that fixed it.

try: ionic state reset --plugins

worked like a charm for me.

Running ‘cordova platform update ios’ in the command line worked for me when I got this error…you might just need an update

Check the ios.json file, the PACKAGE_NAME might be incorrect for a plugin or two.

ionic platform remove ios
ionic platform add ios
ionic build ios

This updated and fixed the ios.json issues.


Ionic CLI : 3.12.0
Cordova CLI : 7.0.1

Removing the plugin that was causing the error worked for me, which in my case was “Mixpanel Plugin”.

‘Mixpanel.h’ file not found
#import “Mixpanel.h”
1 error generated.
The following build commands failed:

Look for any such error, and remove the plugin causing it by running:

ionic cordova plugin remove <plugin_name>

To find list of plugins to know the <plugin_name> in above command:

ionic cordova plugin ls