

umm, not to be rude, but is it possible to post your question is english? I tried to translate you question and don’t really trust online translators…

Ionic generating list of Android applications in the phone dropdown floating

I try to translate.

The ion-list that ionic generated is floating in android phone (xiaomi).

*xiaomi is one of the china smartphone manufacturer"

in mandarin: 能不能说明下怎么拉飘

in english: Could you explain how it floating?

It’s just on ver 17(xiaomi),on ver 23 is good

Is there anyway to post a codepen or plnkr demo of what you code is like?

Maybe is MTK- gpu …so poor

it’s my sample demo:
you can download!


Thank you!

Hi, I tried your apk on MI-RED 1S WCDMA with MIUI v5 (base 4.3), and it works fine. I don’t know what’s your “floating” mean, but if you feel lag with ion-scroll, you can try collection-repeat, that helps a lot on android 4.2+ devices. With low version, native overflow scroll has better performance than transform scroll.