Hello everybody. I´m new using Ionic and i´m getting an error when the app is running in the android studio. This error does not occurs when i run the app in the web browser locally. This is the error:
--------- beginning of system
---------------------------- PROCESS STARTED (10994) for package io.ionic.starter ----------------------------
2025-01-01 14:14:56.279 10994-10994 Capacitor/Console io.ionic.starter E File: - Line 812 - Msg: NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Platform: core)[t → xr]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for xr!
2025-01-01 14:14:56.285 10994-10994 Capacitor/Console io.ionic.starter E File: https://localhost/main.87e24ad071ab9942.js - Line 1 - Msg: Uncaught NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Platform: core)[t → xr]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for xr!
2025-01-01 14:14:56.290 10994-10994 Capacitor io.ionic.starter E JavaScript Error: {“type”:“js.error”,“error”:{“message”:“Uncaught NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Platform: core)[t → xr]: \n NullInjectorError: No provider for xr!”,“url”:“https://localhost/main.87e24ad071ab9942.js",“line”:1,“col”:194339,“errorObject”:"{\“name\”:\“NullInjectorError\”,\“ngTempTokenPath\”:null,\“ngTokenPath\”:[\“t\”,\“xr\”]}”}}
--------- beginning of crash
My Ionic 7 is a personal finance control that access a PHP API that allows the user to insert , delete and list debits and credits. It´s a simple application. This app works perfectly locally in the browser.