I’m build an ionic 6 angular and Cordova application in below mentioned ionic Cordova config. I’m getting blank screen error on android 6 device it is works fine in android 5.1 devices and android 6.0.1 above devices. In all devices update the WebView application and chrome for chromium 60+.but still it is not working in android 6 devices.
By the error message it looks like something is trying to use array.flat method, which is available in Chrome 69 and newer, make sure your WebView is updated to 69 as you mention 60+.
That device UserAgent details is (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Q1 Build/MRA58K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/66.0.3359.158 Mobile Safari/537.36). It is 60+ but it is showing same issue
As I said, something is using array.flat, and that needs Chrome 69, not 66.
You can try to figure out what’s using it if it’s not your code and replace it or fix it, or you can try to make your app to compile to es2015 so it converts the array.flat to something compatible with Chrome 66.
I found something different on that Android 6.0 mobile. Two Android system application installed on that mobile one is default Android system WebView another one I installed from Play Store. Inside of the Chrome user agent found newer version outside of the chrome old version WebView found in user agent. I think that’s why app not working on that device. Not able to uninstall that default WebView application. There is any solution for this issue???