Ionic 5.x Weather App using new Segments

Hello! :mask:
Here is my quarantine gift.
I just would like to share with all of you this example using some Ionic components.
It uses Side Menu, Segments, Services, API Requests, Loading, Custom Layout, Gradient Color. Please enjoy it!



Parabens, Tom!

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Valeu @gusgonnet!

Nice one Tom! keep sending loves to the community!!

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Sure, count on me!

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Thanks for sharing this Ionic 5.x Weather App using new Segments. It sounds like a really useful tool, and I’m sure a lot of people will find it helpful. I was wondering if this app is able to demonstrate any historical weather data? It would be really useful to be able to see past weather patterns and compare them to current weather conditions. I need it for my currenct research. Let me know if this is something that the app is capable of, or if there are any other features that you’d like to highlight. Thanks again for sharing and keep up the good work!

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Hello @Peressildur!
Nice to know you liked it! But this app was just a demo for the community. The features that you would like to have in the App need to be implemented. If you are interested, call me inbox. Thanks!