Ionic 5 with Angular 10

I have updated my Ionic 4 project (angular based) to Ionic 5 using:

npm install @ionic/angular@latest @ionic/angular-toolkit@latest --save

I noticed that it is using 8.2.14.

Does Ionic 5 currently work with Angular 10?

If not Angular 9?



It could be caused by some dependencies.
Try using npm-check-update. Check this article explaining node js dependencies:


I have not yet seen an official statement on this one way or another.

Yes. If you spawn a new project as of the time I write this, it will use Angular 9. In general, you can answer questions like this on an ongoing basis by yourself by watching this particular file on GitHub.

I updated Angular 9 to Angular 10 without any problems. If everything is working fine with Angular 9, it should work with Angular 10 as well. If not, just follow the Angular migration guide, but I suggest that you just try to update it and look if it’s working as intended.

Thank you for the responses.

I tried upgrading my Ionic project from Angular 9.1.6 to 10 and had issues building it afterwards.
Therefore I switched back to Angular 9.1.6.
Generally I would not recommend upgrading to a newer Angular version, if there is not an official statement from the Ionic Team

I’m using Angular 10 without any Problems :blush:

Hi all, i’ve update my Ionic 5 prj to Angular 10, i’ve only this error:
[ng] ERROR in node_modules/@ionic/storage/index.d.ts:5:52 - error TS2314: Generic type ‘ModuleWithProviders’ requires 1 type argument(s).
[ng] 5 static forRoot(storageConfig?: StorageConfig): ModuleWithProviders;

This my code:

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  entryComponents: [],
  imports: [
      name: '__mydb',
      storeName: '_settings',
      driverOrder: ['sqlite', 'websql', 'indexeddb']

Some help me ? :slight_smile:

Just updated today, works fine. Remove node_modules and updated all packages