Ionic 5: new project - update package-dependencies

So i did just install ionic 5 and did create a new project and ran npm outdated.


@angular-devkit/build-angular      0.803.25  0.803.25  0.900.3  myvelo
@angular/cli                         8.3.25    8.3.25    9.0.3  myvelo
@angular/common                      8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/compiler                    8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/compiler-cli                8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/core                        8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/forms                       8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/language-service            8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/platform-browser            8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic    8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@angular/router                      8.2.14    8.2.14    9.0.2  myvelo
@types/jasmine                       3.3.16    3.3.16    3.5.6  myvelo
@types/node                           8.9.5     8.9.5   13.7.4  myvelo
core-js                              2.6.11    2.6.11    3.6.4  myvelo
jasmine-core                          3.4.0     3.4.0    3.5.0  myvelo
karma                                 4.1.0     4.1.0    4.4.1  myvelo
karma-chrome-launcher                 2.2.0     2.2.0    3.1.0  myvelo
karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter      2.0.6     2.0.6    2.1.1  myvelo
karma-jasmine                         2.0.1     2.0.1    3.1.1  myvelo
ts-node                               7.0.1     7.0.1    8.6.2  myvelo
tslint                               5.15.0    5.15.0    6.0.0  myvelo
typescript                            3.4.5     3.4.5    3.8.2  myvelo

Once i read that since ionic 4, ionic was supposed to be framework agnostic and one could update leverage the latest typescript and angular features.

So my question is: does this still stand? Can i upgrade all those packages and will it still run?.. Or was this just false advertising? (Actually, i’m only interested in updating typescript and angular)

OK, but “framework agnostic” in this context to me means “works with more than one framework”, which is more about “can use React or Vue, instead of Angular”, than it is:

Not really a consequence of “framework agnostic” in my book, so:

This seems like a bit of a cheap shot.

I believe you can safely upgrade Angular to 9.x, but I would not take TypeScript past 3.7.x (because Angular 9 itself does not declare that it would accept 3.8+).