Ionic 5 CameraOriginal loaded instead of just Camera

I’m trying to migrate an app to Ionic 5 by rebuilding it from scratch. I loaded the Cordova plugins and the corresponding ionic-native classes. Now, it seems that by entering

npm i @ionic-native/camera

I get something called CameraOriginal instead of the Camera class which gives an error in app-module.ts.
Mac OS Catalina 10.15.3
Ionic 5/Angular 9
Nodejs 10.15.3
Cordova CLI 9.0.0
The same error occurs with all explicitly imported plugins.
First picture is of the ionic 5 app-module.ts, second of the same file in ionic 4 (error free).

It was the usual /ngx lacking at the end of imports. I don’t know from where I got the idea that was no longer necessary in Ionic 5.