It’s been ages since I am waiting for Ionic 4, with promised fixes for Routing and better PWA support. But we are yet to see Ionic 4 alpha version. And I guess, it will take 2-3 or even more months to see Ionic 4 Stable version.
Also one another new requirement for me now is SSR. I want my whole app to be crawled and get indexed in Google. I understand Stencil supports SSR, but couldn’t find any authentic news on Ionic 4 SSR support.
I am thinking If I should rewrite my App as pure Angular 6 application, so I can get SSR. I guess I need to completely rewrite my templates using Angular material, while retaining the app code that resides in components and providers.
“Beginning from the CLI 1.7, you don’t have to worry about upgrading your application. There will be an opportunity to update data dependencies automatically. Moreover, there will be automatic refactoring of the deprecated functionality.”
Also, Angular animations is getting some bug fixes. Angular animations crashes all the time. I was thinking it’s better to deprecate this library and replace it with anime.js…
and I’m curious what this “Angular Elements” will be like:
Angular Elements is a project whose goal is to enable compilation of Angular components into Custom Elements. This is one of the long-awaited features that will allow users to write reusable components not only in the Angular ecosystem, but also in projects on React, Vue, Ember, and so on. There are already a bunch of examples where Angular-components are used in React or Preact. But the most important thing is that this has finally become possible.
So now you can use Angular components in React… that’s weird. You can join a React project as an angular developer? sounds pretty cool. and that’s a right direction because the majority of popular projects and job positions are in react.js. Angular 2,4,5 are still less popular than AngularJS. Maybe popularity of Angular w/ TypeScript will finally rise when there’s version 10.
and this graph is true. From what I can observe, there are still more AngularJS users. Companies don’t want to upgrade to typescript… they don’t really see that as an upgrade so it could be that we need to wait until Angular 10 or Angular X to see typescript becoming more popular. No companies are using VueJS… maybe one out of a thousands. Only the companies relying on Laravel see it as a bonus skill. and Laravel works fine without Vue.js…
So the market is entirely based on AngularJS and ReactJS. 40% AngularJS, 40%React JS, and other frameworks or no framework take the remaining 20%.
I hope Ionic 4 will solve those needs.
But while not available, i created a Angular CLI project with Ionic components. Unfortunately it doesn’t have SSR yet. But i believe that looking how it is done in a pure Angular CLI way it could be done the same way in my project.
Anyway, take a look if you want ->