Ionic 4: style ion-slides bullets

I’m using ion-slides on my intro page, but struggles with position and colors of the bullets. Added the following to my without success, but moving it to global.scss it works. I prefer to have it on my so what have I done wrong ?

.swiper-pagination-bullet-active {
    background:#C400FF !important;

.swiper-pagination-bullets {
    bottom: 10px !important;

I also have same issue

There are custom css variables:


@kilylabs - thanks for information, have updated my, but still need to have the bullets in global.scss in order to work :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

.intro {  
    --bullet-background: blue !important;
    --bullet-background-active: black !important;

// not working in has to be moved to global.scss?
.swiper-pagination-bullets {
    bottom: 10px !important;
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