how to change color bullet in ionic 4 on slides dot? please not work .swiper-pagination { padding: 3px; bottom:0px; .swiper-pagination-bullet { background: #FFF; margin: 0 3px; } }
please help me …i don’t know i prove all
In the SCSS that accompanies the template add:
ion-slides {
--bullet-background: red;
--bullet-background-active: rebeccapurple;
You might want adjust the opacity of the non-active bullet. By default it is .2, so any color you set will be very faint.
thanks but for modify border of bullet?
I don’t think that value is exposed. You can open an issue on Github for it.
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thanks but for modify border of bullet?
To do that you could use radial gradient, like this:
–bullet-background: radial-gradient(circle, transparent 30%, red 40%);
–bullet-background-active: radial-gradient(circle, transparent 30%, rebeccapurple 40%);
thanks its work perfect