I don’t know what’s happening, but when I use the ionic router navigateForward
or navigateBack
methods inside my tabs, there is no animation, just a stark page change.
With no tabs and a single page as root, navigation animations seem to work fine.
Any idea why?
I noticed that too
Don’t know where is the problem
Tabs are completely broken in ionic 4. I just made my own fake tab bar and did the routing manually.
Then all the animations magically returned.
It’s pretty pathetic that something like this doesn’t even work as standard in a supposedly production ready framework.
ionic super tabs for ionic 4 is a really good alternative, just wanted to add this as normal tabs are broken
Did you log a ticket with your issue? People are looking for support with thier projects here so if you are going to make a sweeping statement like this, be helpful and log an issue with a sample project demonstrating the problem so it can be addressed if it really exists.
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