Hot to reduce the width of sidemenu.
U can see it is controlled by --width but where to modify it? I am using Ionic + Vue
:host {
--width: 304px;
--width-small: 264px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: none;
position: absolute;
contain: strict;
This does the trick
--width: 234px;
ion-menu position is absolute. and u will have to change width of ion-header, ion-content, ion-footer inside that ion-menu.
Iām trying to adjust the menu width, ionic4 + angular, and tried to put the code on variables.scss and nothing happens.
Where exactly should I put the variable? is it possible? I need to customize a desktop app.
Thanks in advance.
Try this in your global.scss
.split-pane-visible >.split-pane-side {
min-width: 150px!important;
max-width: 150px!important;