ionic 4 can't use “ionic package build ios development”

I try to read but i can’t understand the docs about ionic 4, Can we build ios app with windows using ’ ionic package build ios '?

I try to build ios app with ionic 4 using ’ ionic package build ios

ionic package build ios
Build type: development

[WARN] A security profile is mandatory to build an iOS package
Security Profile Name: project_1
[ERROR] An error occurred while running git.exe rev-parse HEAD (exit code 128)

I try to install Git using Git-2.25.1-64-bit.exe and the problem still exist…

I don’t know where to post my problem, maybe somebody can help my problem.

My understanding is you can’t use windows and that you need xcode.

what i read was :
ionic cordova build ios is for mac users. but for windows you can use ionic package build ios.