Ionic 4 - Button inside sliding item wich is no item-option and clickable itself?


does someone know a sulution for that code problem?
Try to use a button inside an ion-item -sliding, wich itself is a button and that button is not inside item-options.

<ion-button color="none" size="small" fill="clear" (click)="delete = !delete" >
          <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="create" color="dark" *ngIf="!delete"></ion-icon>
          <ion-label *ngIf="delete" color="primary">done</ion-label>


<ion-item-sliding [routerLink]="['/customer-Item', Item.Guid]" //tried as button and routerlink.
        *ngFor="let items of $items_filtered | async"> //for observable searchbar.

        <ion-item [button]="!delete">

          <ion-label text-wrap>
            <p>{{Item.description}} | {{Item.number}}</p>

          <ion-button color="none" *ngIf="delete" slot="start" fill="clear" class="ibutton" (click)="delWarn(ev)"> // delWarn() is an  alert
            <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="remove-circle" color="danger" size="large"></ion-icon>

          <ion-item-option *ngIf="!delete">Duplicate</ion-item-option>



should kinda look like iOS, but ion-button and the routerlink trigger at the same time.

Some suggestions?

Just as you have the code you can never perform the button action, since you have the router Link in the parent.

Try this.

<ion-button color="none" size="small" fill="clear" (click)="delete = !delete" >
          <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="create" color="dark" *ngIf="!delete"></ion-icon>
          <ion-label *ngIf="delete" color="primary">done</ion-label>

<ion-item-sliding  *ngFor="let items of $items_filtered | async"> //remove RouterLink from here.
        <ion-item [button]="!delete">

          <ion-label text-wrap [routerLink]="['/customer-Item', Item.Guid]"> //move RouterLink to here.
            <p>{{Item.description}} | {{Item.number}}</p>

          <ion-button color="none" *ngIf="delete" slot="start" fill="clear" class="ibutton" (click)="delWarn(ev)"> // delWarn() is an  alert.
          //**ev**  on delWarn() is a EVENT? or variable? check this beacause i dont see declaration to it.
            <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="remove-circle" color="danger" size="large"></ion-icon>

          <ion-item-option *ngIf="!delete">Duplicate</ion-item-option>



This work for me.

Good luck…

I knew that was wrong there, but I tried every position, except the label.
I will try it tomorrow an if it works, thanks!

How could I miss that one xDD

Ready, do not forget to mark as solved

tested it and workes fine, thanks!

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