Ionic 4 (beta11) sourceMap to typescripts code base

I was trying to upgrade my ionic project to ionic v4 (beta11).

I found out that the sourceMap somehow did not work on ionic 4.
see the screenshot below , only sourcemap to transpiled js files were presented

I searched around and can not find any useful clues.
I rasied an issue against ionic project
and had not had any feed back

Does anyone has any idea about how to enable source Map to typescript


Not in the same time as running but if you build the app you could specify that you want to extract the source maps [SOLVED] Ionic CLI v4, where are the source-maps?

I guess it be more of a config of Angular rather than ionic. there should be somewhere in the config files where we can manipulate the feature. do you have any idea?

In angular.json there isn’t an attribute sourceMap?

I finally bring up ts source map by following the instruction of DevApp . I guess this will be the standard method of debugging in the future

If you want to have the all sourceMap otherwise while doing ionic serve the bundle which have been loaded could be debugged in chrome, their source maps are loaded too