Hi, I’m working on a ionic 3 project which contains thermal bluetooth printer functionality.Can any body knows any solution.I’ve tried bluetooth serial plugin ,its working fine but the problem is when i test the connection some times it is not connection as well as when i printing something its follows same like connection problem even i directly give Mac address of bluetooth. Any Body knows the solution please give reply.I’m trying this from last one week.
yeah it was resolved…You can check it in Bluetooth Printer…just you need to put a alert in the ’ printer provider’ while printing.
Replace the below lines in print provider
let xyz = this.connectBT(address).subscribe(data => {
alert(‘Connection Successful’); —>this is important,otherwise connection to be lost.
let loadings = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: 'Printing Please wait...'
@pvreddy423 How to print image by this plugin?? i printed string but i also want to print image by bluetooth. Do you have any idea how to print image by bluetooth in ionic 2
You can get provider from this repository. https://github.com/razmans/ionicBluetoothPrint
I have download it and it is working fine. but the only thing it is printing only plain text.
Images are HTML is not supported.