So I installed Ionic 2 beta to test it out, but now my Ionic 1 install seems… borked.
I get this error when I use ionic serve for Ionic 1: ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it.
and my current Ionic 1 app freezes the browser on some custom ng-click events.
Is there a way to go back?
It seems that Ionic Beta doesn’t have npm uninstall!!!
The ionic.project has been renamed to ionic.config.json, please rename it.
is just a warning, it can be safely ignored for now.
As for the browser freezing, the CLI has no effect on that, so that’s something going on inside of your own code.
Thanks for the reply.
I didn’t think the CLI was a problem, I thought there might have been some odd merge with v1 and 2 frameworks that is making my angular 1 act odd.
I’ve decided to go with Ionic 2 now anyway, so I’ll be re-writing my app once I’ve done some more Angular 2 courses.