Ionic 2 IOS push notification not working

I have created IONIC 2 App and currently have published only android version and planning to publish IOS version soon.

I am using Windows machine for the development and with IONIC package service I have created IOS package (.ipa) and tested in Iphone and its working fine except the PUSH Notification.

Do it need any changes for PUSH setting to make it work for IOS?

Some of the docs says edit capability for PUSH by using XCODE but I do not have MAC, please suggest me how I can make it working for IOS without using a MAC.

Please let me know what changes I need to make to activate PUSH for IOS, I already have created APN Certificate & App Development/App Store Certificate and have linked to IONIC.IO

Please suggest.


Can you define that please?
Do you get a push token on iOS?

It working fine = All the functionality is working what my App suppose to be except PUSH.

I am using IONIC.IO push service so I can not see IOS token is saved or not…

Well you have to register to get the push token somewhere. Does this work? Can you console.log the push token there?