Ionic 2, Braintree default DropIn text color and text submit button

Hello everyone, I have a problem with Ionic 2 and the Braintree DropIn. It works all right but I can not solve two problems:

  • change the text of the button
  • change the foreground color of the text boxes, I see white color on a gray background and is almost unreadable

I’m using the default dropIn which for my use is fine.

After you’ve got the token from the server:

BraintreePlugin.initialize (token,
function () {
console.log (“init OK!”);
function (error) {console.error (error); });

options.submitButtonText = ‘test button’;

BraintreePlugin.presentDropInPaymentUI (options, function (result) {
if (result.userCancelled) {
navCtrl.setRoot (HomePage);
else {
navCtrl.setRoot (BraintreePayComplete, {
nonce: result.nonce,
amount: cost

How can I do?

Thank you so much for any help.


I tried to change the color of the input boxes of the theme but it does not work.

Nobody can help me?

Thank you

Reading the plug in doc you can see how the property to change the text of the button is called “ctaText”.

The text color problem remains, see: