Ionic 2 beta.9 - Not building app.bundle.js

I got same issue…Upgrade to beta9. It doesn’t compile even after downgrading to beta8. It was working. Both has some package.json and npm install was ran.

Not sure why package list is different

I ran npm compare it with another folder (working)


C:\ionic\mapleapp-bak>npm outdated
Package               Current                     Wanted         Latest  Location
@angular/router    2.0.0-rc.2                 2.0.0-rc.2  3.0.0-alpha.8  maplecity-app
del                     2.2.0                      2.2.0          2.2.1  maplecity-app
ionic-angular    2.0.0-beta.9  2.0.0-beta.9-201606241930   2.0.0-beta.9  maplecity-app
run-sequence            1.1.5                      1.1.5          1.2.1  maplecity-app


> Package                                 Current                     Wanted         Latest  Location
> gulp-watch                                4.3.6                      4.3.8          4.3.8  maplecity-app
> @angular/common                      2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/compiler                    2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/core                        2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/http                        2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/platform-browser            2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/platform-browser-dynamic    2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.3     2.0.0-rc.3  maplecity-app
> @angular/router                      2.0.0-rc.1                 2.0.0-rc.2  3.0.0-alpha.8  maplecity-app
> body-parser                              1.15.1                     1.15.2         1.15.2  maplecity-app
> del                                       2.2.0                      2.2.0          2.2.1  maplecity-app
> express                                  4.13.4                     4.14.0         4.14.0  maplecity-app
> gulp-watch                                4.3.6                      4.3.8          4.3.8  maplecity-app
> ionic-angular                      2.0.0-beta.9  2.0.0-beta.9-201606241930   2.0.0-beta.9  maplecity-app
> ionic-gulp-browserify-typescript          1.1.0                      1.1.1          1.1.1  maplecity-app
> ionic-gulp-scripts-copy                   2.0.0                      2.0.1          2.0.1  maplecity-app
> run-sequence                              1.1.5                      1.1.5          1.2.1  maplecity-app
> rxjs                               5.0.0-beta.8               5.0.0-beta.9   5.0.0-beta.9  maplecity-app