Ion-slide-box slide vertically?

Is it possible to slide vertically using ion-slide-box ?

Hmmm, sounds pretty interesting. Right now it doesn’t have that ability right out of the box, but you can always make a feature request for it :smile:

Ok Thank you,
I am having a problem with putting

<ion-slide-box> inside <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>

is that a known issue?

Well if your using ion-nav-view as the main view, all your children views should be ion-view. Inside your ion-view, you can set up your ion-slide-box

This may be can help you.

thanks, can you give a little example please?

<ion-super-slide-box direction="'vertical'" show-pager="false"> <ion-super-slide> </ion-super-slide> </ion-super-slide-box>

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Currently, I use Swiper instead, I love the slide transition, and ng-swiper is the directive I use now

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#smadey can you provide and example of using swiper with ionic please?

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swiper not working in android mobile. In browser its working fine. how to fix this issue

Easy way for vertical slide box. takes 2 minutes. Check this - Vertical slide box

  <ion-slide *ngFor="let category of categories; let i = index">
    <button ion-item (click)="navItems(">
      <ion-icon name="ios-arrow-forward" item-end></ion-icon>