Ion-slide-box malfunction?

I am using the ion-slide-box for paginating through menu items. On each slide, I have two buttons with thoroughly tested functions that I am pretty sure work the way they’re supposed to.

However, once I swipe to another slide, the buttons do nothing. Here is the HTML for this page. If I navigate back to this slider page via the the tabs, which take me back to the menu.item-list state, I can go to the item slider page and add an item successfully IF I do not swipe to another slide. Any troubleshooting suggestions?

<ion-slide-box does-continue="true" show-pager="false">
		<h2>{{ }}</h2>
		<div class="button-bar">
			<button ui-sref="menu.item-list">BACK</button>
			<button ng-click="addCartSimple()" ui-sref="menu.item-list">ADD TO CART</button>
		<h2>{{ }}</h2>
		<div class="button-bar">
			<button ui-sref="menu.item-list">BACK</button>
			<button ng-click="addCartSimple()" ui-sref="menu.item-list">ADD TO CART</button>