I am developing an ionic app. I want to fetch the items in options of ion select fro server using api. The loading only after clicking of ion-select. Here the datais changing on after clicking on second time. Is there any solution?
The source code is
<ion-label stacked>Vehicle</ion-label>
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="suffix" name="suffix"(click)="vehicleFn()">
<ion-option *ngFor="let item of Suffix" [value]="item.code">{{item.name}}</ion-option>
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController){
this.Suffix= [{"code":"0","name":"Select"}];
.then(data => {
In here i have one select option for selecting vehicle. The vehicle details want to get from server. But here when i click it is not coming. But second click it is showing. So when calling the click function. is not updating the “this.Suffix”. How to update “this.Suffix” in click function.