I am facing a problem while using ionic 4, and ionic-select. The problem comes when i have some data and i am binding the data. In this example, i already have a pre selected data, when i do so the ion-select does not render properly.
<ion-item class="transparent">
<ion-label position='floating'>{{ 'GENDER_TXT' | translate}}</ion-label>
<ion-select interface="popover" color='medium' [(ngModel)]='Gender' formControlName='genderTxt'>
<ion-select-option *ngFor='let g of Genders' [value]='g'>{{g.GENDER}}</ion-select-option>
this.getGendersSub = this.proxy.Get_Genders(param).subscribe((data) => {
this.Genders = data;
this.Gender = this.Genders[0];
I also tried the reactive forms point of view
but also it did not work for me