I am using ion-select inside ion-list where each item has a select option. When i want to change the value using select option of one item then it automatically changes the value of items in whole list. I believe, i will have to limit the scope of ion-select inside one item only but not sure what will be the right way to handle that. Here is my code snippet:
HTML Code:
<ion-card card-bcg *ngFor="let item of items | async">
<input type="hidden" [(ngModel)]="item.$key" />
<ion-item no-margin background-size item-bcg text-wrap *ngIf="role=='admin' || role=='teacher'" (tap)="goToItemProfile(item)">
<ion-avatar item-left>
<img [src]="item?.profilepic">
<h2 item-title>{{item?.displayName}}</h2>
<ion-label>Select options</ion-label>
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="attendance" (ionChange)="onChange(attendance, item)">
<ion-option value="present">Present</ion-option>
<ion-option value="absent">Absent</ion-option>
Here is the onChange Code:
onChange(attendance, item) {
this.key = item.$key;
this.attendancedetails = this.db.object('/attendance/' + this.key);
this.presentOn = this.db.list('/attendance/' + this.key + '/presentOn');
var presentOnUpdate = {
attendance: this.attendance,
date: firebase.database['ServerValue']['TIMESTAMP'],
markedBy: this.userData.uid,
markerName: this.displayName
this.presentOn.push(presentOnUpdate).then(data => {
Please suggest the right way to handle this issue…