Ion-select and ReactiveForms {ionic v4}

Hello, everybody, I have have a quite estrange issue when using ion-select fo fill in a FormArray nested inside a FormGroup (wich contains more atributes rather than just the ‘week’ one. I just want a dropdown menu with the days of the week (initializing all days as false).

ngOnInit() {
    this.form = new FormGroup({
      week: new FormArray([
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),
        new FormControl(false),

get week(): FormArray { return this.form.get('week') as FormArray; }

and then on the html:

    <form [formGroup]="form">
        <ion-col size="12">

            <ion-label>Days of the week</ion-label>


                *ngFor="let day of week.controls ; index as i"
                > {{ i }} </ion-select-option>

I got the next issues:

As you can see, ion-select is not working properly.

Everything works fine if I replace [formControlName] with [value] but then It’s no longer connected to the form that I want to fill.

¿is there any solution? ¿any workaround?
Thank you in advance.