Ion-reorder lists which contains a list of items

Hi, I wanted to use the ionic reorder with firebase and it works great so far. But I have a problem when it comes to multiple lists. When I try to move only the lists :

        <ion-item ng-repeat="list in lists" class="item-divider">
            {{}} {{list.items[0]["name"]}}
            <ion-reorder-button class="ion-navicon"
                            on-reorder="reorderList(category, $fromIndex, $toIndex)">

It works great, but when I want to display the items in each list, like this :

 <ion-list  show-reorder="showReorder"> 	
        <div 	 ng-repeat="list in lists" >
                 <ion-item class="item-divider"> 			
                      {{}} {{list.items[0]["name"]}}
                           <ion-reorder-button class="ion-navicon"
                                         on-reorder="reorderList(list, $fromIndex, $toIndex)">
                 <ion-item ng-repeat="item in list.items" class="item item-avatar item-checkbox">
                              ... option buttons

It doesn’t work ($toIndex always returns 0)… Not only does it not work anymore, but I don’t know how to allow the user to reorder the items between the lists… How can I solve my lists reorder problem, and how do I do the items reorder part ?

Should I give more information ? Give a clearer question maybe ? I still can’t seem to find the answer anywhere… help ?