Ion-range value undefined

Hey guys I just wanted to create a form which uses a range from 1-5 but when i want to access the value it is undefined.
Do u know what i am doing wrong?

<form (ngSubmit)="logForm()">
          <!-- Testfall 1 (1-5) -->
            <ion-label text-wrap>Das ist eine sehr lange Frage die sich nicht in einer Zeile ausgeht?</ion-label>
            <ion-range min="1" max="5" step="1" snaps="true" color="secondary" id="kindofquestionOne_1">
              <ion-label range-left>1</ion-label>
              <ion-label range-right>5</ion-label>

Try to Access the value:


You can try like this

<form (ngSubmit)="logForm()">
          <!-- Testfall 1 (1-5) -->
            <ion-label text-wrap>Das ist eine sehr lange Frage die sich nicht in einer Zeile ausgeht?</ion-label>
            <ion-range min="1" max="5" step="1" snaps="true" color="secondary" id="kindofquestionOne_1" (ionChange)="onChange($event)">
              <ion-label range-left>1</ion-label>
              <ion-label range-right>5</ion-label>


         onChange(ev: any) {

I hope your problem will be fixed.
Thank you

thx, this is not exactly what i was looking for but it is a nice workaround :smile:

Use ngModel. There’s an example in the docs

it omits an important piece of info, adding the ngModel property to your component.

export class RangePage {
rangeValue: number;
 constructor() {
  this.rangeValue = 1;

Set rangeValue to whatever you want. I used 1 because it’s your minimum value. And of course, name rangeValue whatever you want too.

@flycoders_sourav had the right idea with ionChange, but you can leave the event reference out of the picture and just console.log this.rangeValue in the function.


thx for ur answer!
It seems to be a really nice solution, but to be honest, this is my first application with ionic and angular js and cause of that i have really little knowledge about ng-model.
How can i connect your code with my ion-range?

which one you want to connect?

if you want connect to this one
please try like this

export class RangePage {
rangeValue: number;
 constructor() {
  this.rangeValue = 1;

<ion-range min="1" max="5" step="1" snaps="true" color="secondary" id="kindofquestionOne_1" [(ngModel)]="rangeValue">

i hope your problem will be fixed
Thank you.

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Never do this. The whole point of using a framework like Angular is that you let it do the DOM manipulation for you.

Yeah it works fine thx :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help !

I would be replying faster but this happens :joy::

If its work fine please mark the solution

Glad it worked out. I’d suggest going through
and at the least, do the hall of heroes tutorial. I waited until I had been programming for a year and a half to do so and I’m kicking myself for it. Fantastic documentation.