I am using the below code to generate a list of radio buttons in my “native” app.
The radio group is generated just fine but when I select a single option, all of the radio buttons are getting selected.
I had seen a 5 year old topic on the same and apparently back then it was a bug.
Is this bug still persistent ? https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/radio-button-bug-all-options-get-selected-with-radiogroup/40258
You are doing value="it.id" which will cause the value of each radio to be set to the string “it.id” not whatever it.id evaluates to. You should bind the value using :value="it.id" instead.
You are not importing IonRadioGroup and IonRadio and providing them to your Vue component. Without this import, you will be unable to use :value in the previous step.