Ion-navbar Back button is invisble after toggling navbar with *ngIf

I have a <ion-navbar> that can be toggled via a button that sets a property:

  <ion-navbar *ngIf="showToolbars">

When the page loads showToolbars is true and everything is fine.
Clicking the button makes the navbar disappear as it should.
But when I then click the button again, the navbar appears with the title being shown, but the “< Back” button is gone!
(The code for the button still seems to be there, but it doesn’t have the correct classes to be visible to the user)

Any ideas?

Not sure if it’s appropriate for your use case, but swapping [hidden]="!showToolbars" for the ngIf seems to solve the immediate problem with the back button.


D’oh, of course.

I even see no difference in how the nav-bar is hidden really.