i am developing an app with ionic with many nested states. The following are the states.
.state(‘app.transactions’, {
url: “/transactions”,
views: {
‘menuContent’: {
templateUrl: “/transactions.html”,
controller: ‘TransactionsCtrl’
'transactionsParent': {
templateUrl: "transaction.details.html",
controller: 'transactionDetailsCtrl'
.state('app.transactions.landing', {
url: "/landing",
views: {
'transactionsParent': {
templateUrl: "transactions.landing.html",
controller: 'TransactionsCtrl'
.state('app.transactions.landing.all', {
url: '/all',
views: {
'landingAll': {
templateUrl: "transactions.landing.all.html"
.state('app.transactions.landing.credit', {
url: '/credit',
views: {
'landingCredit': {
templateUrl: "transactions.landing.credit.html"
.state('app.transactions.landing.debit', {
url: '/debit',
views: {
'landingDebit': {
templateUrl: "transactions.landing.debit.html"
.state('app.transactions.landing.scheduled', {
url: '/scheduled',
views: {
'landingScheduled': {
templateUrl: "transactions.landing.scheduled.html"
there are 4 tabs inside the landing page. Now from inside one of the landing pages, If I must go to the details page, animation occurs randomly. Say the first time I click an item and go into details, the animation does not work, then I go back select an other transaction item, it goes into details screen with animation. and this behavior keeps repeating.
The state changes from
app/transactions/landing/credit to app/transactions/details/id and back.
I have been trying to solve this problem for the last 2 days, but with no results. I want animations in the app but it has to be consistent. I unfortunately am not able to provide the whole code, but I hope the above mapping gives you some idea of the app.